Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Modular coming soon.

1. Sensitive use of materials: does the form of the overall piece respond to or resonate with
the objects chosen as modules?
- The form definitely responds to the plastic cups I chose, the objects obviously did what they wanted to, there was no force applied when building this form. 
2. Could the piece be made from another object just as well, or is there precise/necessary
correspondence between the objects and the structure?
-  This piece couldn’t be replicated with any other object.  The type of cup is helpful because plastic is very sturdy, if you used something such as Styrofoam it wouldn’t have held up.   Also the color of the cups add greatly to the piece, if they were just one color it would affect the viewer in a different way.
3. Explain any material difficulties in usage?
- The only material difficulties I had dealt with my glue gun.  It only had one heat setting…high…and it would melt the plastic. 
4. Meaningful discoveries?
- I discovered that you can really listen to your object, and when you do it works wonders.  At first I didn’t understand how that was possible, but then when I realized what my cups wanted to do without me forcing them, it helped my overall piece. 
1. Does the piece rise above the ordinary in terms of scale, materials or effort?
- This piece rises above the ordinary because of its scale and effort.  It is quite large, much larger than myself, and it looks as though its engulfing the WASH building.   Also I put a lot of effort into it, coming in after hours tediously gluing.
2. How did the piece change from initial mental imaginings to final piece?
-  At first I pictured this piece to be much smaller.  Basically the base of my piece was going to be my original final project.  I was told by a fellow classmate that I should use the stair case and wrap my object around it.  This was a wonderful idea and I went along with it.
3. Was the initial idea or final piece more ambitious? How so?
- The final piece was definitely more ambitious because of the size and shape it became.

Is the way the piece put together helping the overall effect or distracting from it (How so?)
-          The way this piece was put together helps the overall effect because each cup strand flows to accentuate, not to distract. 


1. What are the dominant formal elements (point, line, shape, color, texture, value, space)
visible in the work? Are these elements important to the piece? In what ways?
-   The dominant formal elements are line, shape, color, texture, space.  These elements are the backbone of my piece, without them it wouldn’t be much at all. 

2. What are the dominating principles (scale, hierarchy, repetition, rhythm, unity, contrast,
balance, space, gravity, continuance, similarity/difference) visible or implied in the work?
Explain how each dominating principle helps strengthen the impression of the work or
-The dominating principles in my piece are scale, repetition, rhythm, unity, contrast, balance, space, gravity, continuance, and similarity/ difference; all visible.  The scale, space, continuance, and gravity of the piece helps it look as if its taking over, which goes along with its plant like theme.  The repetition helps it because it looks as if its flowing.  The rhythm helps because it creates movement for your eye to follow.  And finally the balance of the piece gives it the stability to not fall over.
1. Does piece relate to the source objects history, function or purpose?
If so, how?
-          Yes, the first synthetic plastic was made from the plant material cellulose.  The material they used to make plastic is called Celluloid.  They now use a different material to mass produce, but for 30 years they used Celluloid. The history of plastic relates to the structure my objects took, the plastic cups were forming into the object they came from. 

2. How does the presentation of the piece alter the viewers understanding of the source
-          The presentation of the piece alters the viewers understanding of plastic cups because not many people know that plastic was made from pant cellulose.  It also gives the viewers a better understanding of why I formed the objects that specific way. 

1. Why here?
-  It gives the impression that it is growing out of control, the stairs were the best way to show this.
2. What is the relationship of the work to the space?
- The relationship of the work to the space is very intimate.
3. How do the surrounding elements impact the viewing and impression of the piece?
-The surrounding elements impact the viewing in a positive way, it gives the impression that the piece is just growing like a plant, not giving a care to what is around it.
4. Does the piece respond or ignore what is around it? How so?
- The piece responds to its surroundings because it’s working itself around all the obstacles, the surroundings somewhat create this piece.

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