Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Monologue Critique

Final Video:
I only had this video in class on Monday.  They said it was classified under humorous.
They said that this video was good the way it was, nothing hindered it.  It is longer than 60 sec. but it goes along with the theme of the video.

     1. Background visual content: helped
     2. Framing of the shot: Good angle
     3. Lighting: Good ligthing
     4: Placement of Human Form: Good placement, laying down.
     5. Negative/White Space: Good amount
     6. Unity/Contrast: Good
     7. Facial expressions: Priceless
     8. Mannerisms/Body movement: Goes along with theme
     9. Mood: Good
     1. Background sound content: none
     2. Space within the dialog: Good
     3. Value: Good volume and force of voice
     4. Contrast: Good
     5. Rhythm: Good
     6 Direction or movement:  Good voice changing
     7. Other issues on sound: None

     1. What the heck is going on? I am being humorous while addressing a topic.
     2 . What is the Point? How do you know?  That P90x is super hard, it is clear.
     3. What is the delivery style? Slow
     4. Is it a composition? Yes it seems whole/complete.

Video 2
I have to self crit this.  I think that this video needs alot of improving, mainly the angle of the camera. It should be verticle not horizontal.  Not my favorite video at all. 

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