Saturday, March 12, 2011

Visual Metaphors.

Here are three that I came up with about when I got spanked when I was little and the paddle cracked.

1.  Ill have a wooden paddle with a crack down the middle.  And some crooked teeth on it with braces.  Showing that spanking is painful but it was for a good cause. Just like braces.

2.  Have a wooden paddle with a crack down it, and a traffic light on it.  Showing spanking directs your way.

3.  Have a wooden paddle with a crack down it, and a one way sign on it.  Showing that spaking directs you in the right way.  Possibly pointing to a light.

Im gonna spend time thinking of some other ones, but this metaphor thing is hard for me to understand.

1 comment:

  1. I think the second one with the traffic light conveys your concept the best.
